Moving 4Ward
“Moving Forward” is a tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth memoir by author, Casey Bell. Author of “The Diary of Stephanie Dane,” “4Score,” and playwright of “CrazyFun,” Casey has open up his closet and cleaned all of his dirty laundry. Sharing his past from the age of four up until now we (the readers) get to see a side of him we may have never known or may have never have gotten to know if he had not the courage to bring forth the truth that is his autobiography. Not only is mouth dropping shocking, but also inspiring for those dealing with the same pains. This read is not only unique as life is, but is fowardly moving.

"To College Or Not To College," is Best-Selling Author, Casey Bell's latest book. The book is divided into two sections.
The first section, "To College," is written for students and their parents. There are so many things you should do before college (even before you apply), during, and after. Unfortunately the school system does not teach this information so the fist half of this book gives you tips, ideas, and details on how to prepare for college and how to survive college successfully. And most importantly how to use what you've learned to make a successful life for yourself.
The Second section "To Not College," is for everyone who realizes college is NOT for them. If we are honest college is Not for everyone. There are many successful people without college degrees, which proves you do NOT need a degree to be successful in/at life. The second section gives you the many, many, many options that are out there for those who know college is not for them.
College is a huge step in anyone's life and many people made too many mistakes simply because of ignorance. This book will help many not make the same mistakes many, including the author made. "To College Or Not To College" is available through
The first section, "To College," is written for students and their parents. There are so many things you should do before college (even before you apply), during, and after. Unfortunately the school system does not teach this information so the fist half of this book gives you tips, ideas, and details on how to prepare for college and how to survive college successfully. And most importantly how to use what you've learned to make a successful life for yourself.
The Second section "To Not College," is for everyone who realizes college is NOT for them. If we are honest college is Not for everyone. There are many successful people without college degrees, which proves you do NOT need a degree to be successful in/at life. The second section gives you the many, many, many options that are out there for those who know college is not for them.
College is a huge step in anyone's life and many people made too many mistakes simply because of ignorance. This book will help many not make the same mistakes many, including the author made. "To College Or Not To College" is available through

Whether single or divorced this book is for ladies and gentlemen who want to learn how to find their one and only and stay until death do you part. With wisdom from YHWH told in a comedic and straight forward manner, this book will cause the single person to finally get it (relationship) right.
Are you aware there are five factors of your life that make you unique? It is those factors that actually identify who you are in this universe. If you use your gender, ethnicity, weight, sexuality, zodiac sign, or anything else for your identity you will surely fail. Low self-esteem is the harvest of misidentifying you. In 4 Keys of Success, we will discuss, how to identify who you are, how to find the original you, why it is important to have the mentality of a crab, and why the question, “what do you want to be when you grow up,” is not a wise question. I hope you are ready for this life changing journey.
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